Simon Community Ireland
The Simon Communities have been providing services in Ireland for almost 50 years, and deliver support to over 13,000 individuals and families throughout Ireland who experience – or are at risk of – homelessness every year. Whatever the issue, for as long as we are needed, Simon’s door is always open.
We are delighted to have been selected as one of the Freemasons charity partners for Vision 2020. We are excited with the prospect of working with the Freemasons of Ireland on such an ambitious project, and are extremely grateful for this opportunity, which together will allow us make a huge difference to the lives of those who rely on our
Proposed Projects:
Dublin Simon Community, in its capacity as an Approved Housing Body, has acquired over 213 independent units of accommodation since 2016, providing homes to over 660 individuals, couples and families. Their Home Deposit Initiative uses a combination of donor funds, private finance and government grants to acquire permanent homes for individuals and families. Dublin Simon Community leverage financing with 10-15% donor funds to sustainably acquire one property, providing an individual, couple or family with a safe place to call home.
The Home Deposit Initiative provides a framework for individuals and organisations who wish to help Dublin Simon Community to alleviate the homelessness crisis and close the door on homelessness for good for individuals and families. The funds sought from the Vision 2020 initiative would provide a deposit to purchase a home on your behalf, with the assistance of the aforementioned private finance and government grants. This would empower an individual, couple or family that has been through the trauma of homelessness to end the cycle of homelessness for good.
Dundalk Simon Community has been registered as an Approved Housing Body since 2013, with 5 social care houses and 12 transitional housing units in current stock. Support from Vision 2020 will mean that Dundalk Simon Community can acquire another safe permanent home for an individual, couple or family using the Home Deposit Initiative funding model as detailed above.
Cork Simon Community are currently seeking support to fund the redevelopment of a property in Cork city into 8 apartments which when completed, will provide a supported housing service for 8 people who are have are currently living in emergency accommodation. These individuals have complex mental and physical health needs, but are currently living in environments which are not supportive of their needs. With the support of Vision 2020, these individuals can move into a home where they will receive the care of Cork Simon staff to address their individual needs and potentially progress towards independent living once more.
Galway Simon Community has three high support houses that are home to 19 men who would otherwise be on the streets and in and out of homeless hostels. These houses are staffed 24/7 and provide shelter, stability, comfort, good food, access to healthcare and counselling and, most importantly, a home. For many, these shared houses are a lifeline and a home for the long term. However, as these men age, accessibility continues to be a challenge. In one particular high support house in the City, Galway Simon have an increasing number of older clients who are unable to use a stairs. Although a lift was installed in 2007, at times it is out of service for periods of time due to the difficulty in finding parts to repair it given its age. Helping Galway Simon replace this lift will not only immediately improve the safety of these men but allow them to remain in this house which they currently call home.
Midlands Simon Community currently operate Housing with Support Services in Longford Town (10 apartments) and Athlone (3 apartments). Midlands Simon Community are seeking funding for the refurbishment and maintenance of these apartments to create a more comfortable environment that residents can take pride in. Their aim is to place families and individuals who have experienced long-term homelessness into homes of their own. Vision 2020 funding would provide huge financial support with the refurbishment and maintenance of these 13 apartments, ensuring that residents are able to continue on their journey out of homelessness, in accommodation that supports their personal recovery.
Mid West Simon Community require support in establishing a ‘Social Grocery’, a centre that sells food surplus to people on low incomes at heavily discounted prices, while also providing social support to people experiencing food poverty. Social groceries are an innovative response to the strain that consistent food poverty creates in people’s lives. With your support to secure a premises in Limerick City, Mid-West Simon Community will establish and run the first service of its kind in the Republic of Ireland. The aim is to reduce the amount of homeless presentations across the mid-west by providing a vital service to those most at risk.
North West Simon Community provide, own or lease 33 properties in Counties Donegal and Leitrim. Tenancies in each property are allocated to low income families by the local authority with ongoing support provided by the North West Simon Community team. Finance for the upkeep and maintenance of the properties is generated through the rental income and fundraising. A survey carried out in 2017 highlighted significant refurbishment needs in these properties, which could only be addressed as funding became available. Vision 2020 would enable North West Simon Community to expedite a repairs and renewals programme that would make a huge difference to the people living in these homes.